Magnificent forest filled with people of all kind who may either help you to blossom as a flower or kill your try in bud stage! Competition is the aggressive act of racing to taste the success fruit just before the one near you. It's all about success,profit,money.When your idea receives only laughings then become a self active dark horse. Don't put your valuable ideas to some idiotic mind and start acting by your own. Having termed by people as unworthy doesn't mean you are,may be they find you with little merits for their life & they are actually unfit to hold you and your thoughts.Defeating others & rinsing other's brain with nonsense negative thoughts doesn't make you the so called 'winner' . Compete within you. Compete with your own past.Compete with your own success. Act like this is your last chance with the same hope just like the first attempt. When you expect a hand to hold you in all times only one will be there that wi...