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 And there are some people longing for things to happen in life.There are also some people who are searching for a solution to survive.
When FEW of us are living with the question"Why do I live in this world?",there are SOME living sorry, surviving with pittiest question "How do I survive today?"The life of a poor people is very much related with three States of matter. Here the comparison is more perfect for these people than my previous  comparison of these states of matter with love.Heart becomes a strongest solid,Eyes floods constantly with liquid  and their dream remains in the air.Some of their dreams get buried inside the   soil of their scarcity.They know that God designed their drama of life earlier,they are just letting it  go the ways convinced with faith that someone would come to solve.
  Why can't that someone be you ? 
The people  of FEW category can be a solution to make people of SOME category survive in this world.That innocent smile you put on their face gives you the bunch of happiness with a hearty satisfaction.Try it
So people of FEW,Don't live with a unworthy question.
           BE A SOLUTION :)  


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