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Mother's words are the perfect spiritual healing  for the back stabbed wounds
MOM -The best word in Universe

Every girl attains the fulfillment of her birth when she holds the badge "Mother to be".Every woman displays a thick sense of motherhood at times.
Mom is the only selfless soul who love and nurture us without any personal intentions.

Though you doesn't give her the pleasure feel when you come out of her womb she put a million dollar smile on her lips and thats a big proof of her boundless love.She might have been a strict officer,might have scolded you and even hurted you but she never left you alone at times when you needed a strong shoulder to lean.She built you into a intellectually strong human from a cute tiny creature.

Mom be the pillar of support when your heart senses some wandering of fears and she makes you slay it with utmost effort.Mom is the most influential person in everyone's life.She not only feeds you food but also the heroic thoughts.She teaches you how to handle audacious situation and how to be a lion hearted one.Life doesn't always showers  happiness It also gives some unbearable situations.Whenever life gives you the idea of shutting down,she (mom) drag your mouse to restart.

Let me say something amazing,
Babies can sense their mother's voice even before their actual birth.You might have heard it before.Now just do read the sentence once again closing your eyes and feel the baby you. The little champ you,inside your mom's womb.You feel elated.Right?

Every mom is undoubtedly the first person who hauls us up on our tiring days.But children nowadays gets tied up with some destructive icons like mobile,games,social medias,parties and selfies.They do remember their mom only for mother's day selfies to get some useless likes and comments from temporary people.But remember something she is the only one to react WOW when other people react HAHA and DISLIKE on your attempts to succeed in life.

In simple terms,Make your mom live her life to the fullest for crafting your life worthy.Don't ever give chance for old folks home to have your angel in case of assisted living.

I have compressed the length of words as much as I could do because it reaches the path of infinity.
MOM IS WOW, isn't it?  ;) 


  1. Awesome words raks!!🖤 . Tried to define the definitionless relationship and it really came well!! U go girl!!!🔥

  2. Yes she is !!!
    One 'emotional'ised blog❤️
    Elegant write-up👌
    Sooper Raks !✨Expecting lot more


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